A risk assessment has been completed and is attached. Please ensure you follow the following rules which include social distancing and hygiene.
Pond Green Play Area
Following the Government’s latest guidelines the play area will be open from Saturday 4th July 2020.
Please note the following:
- The equipment will not be cleaned by the Parish Council and therefore we ask all users to clean the equipment prior to and after use paying particular attention to the touch points. Please provide your own hygiene products.
- Only one family member to accompany a child.
- Social distancing of 2 metres should take place where possible but people should stay at least 1 metre apart.
- The middle 2 swings have been taped off to ensure social distancing as there is not enough space in between the swings. Please do not use these swings.
- Only members of the same household are to use the toddler swing together.
- Parents/carers please promote social distancing between the children.
- Please provide your own wipes/gel to clean hands after use.
Recreation Ground & Outdoor Gym
Following the Government’s latest guidelines the play equipment and outdoor gym will be open from Saturday 4th July 2020.
Please note the following:
- The equipment will not be cleaned by the Parish Council and therefore we ask all users to clean the equipment prior to and after use paying particular attention to the touch points.
- Please provide your own towel and hygiene products.
- Social distancing of 2 metres should take place where possible but people should stay at least 1 metre apart.
- Parents/carers please promote social distancing between the children.
- Please provide your own wipes/gel to clean your hands when leaving.