Coronavirus Update

The latest news and updates related to the Coronavirus epidemic.
27 March 2020

Wicken COVID-19 Mutual Aid Support Network

Wicken Parish Council recognise and thank the work being done by the Wicken, Ely COVID-19 Mutual Aid Support Network. As most information is online, please could we remind everyone to look out for neighbours and elderly who do not have access to the internet and let them know the help available.

Recreation Ground and Pond Green Play Area

The Recreation Ground in Chapel Lane and the Pond Green play area have both been CLOSED until further notice following Government instructions. The Recreation Ground has been closed to ensure people do not use the outdoor gym, play equipment and MUGA. Restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible.

Grass Cutting

We have been notified by Truelink who cut the greens, verges and recreation ground that they will not be cutting the grass until confirmation has been received that they are classed as key workers. Unfortunately, they have received some abuse from members of the public whilst cutting the grass (not in Wicken) and therefore do not want to put their staff at risk.

Village Hall

The village hall is currently CLOSED due to the coronavirus and will be undergoing a deep clean before it reopens.

Around and About

The Burwell Print Centre is currently CLOSED and therefore the Around and About cannot be published. The team are looking into the possibility of an online version for this edition and possibly a short one page Newsletter drop to all residents.


There are currently 2 allotments available in the village. Both are at the Afterway Allotments off Lower Road with an annual rent of £6. Please contact Rachel Earl on 07772 319821 if you are interested in renting one. Please note there is no access to water on these allotments.