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Clubs & Societies
Wicken has a wide range of clubs and societies available which are well supported and all welcoming of new members.
Fen Tiggers
Baby and toddler playgroup (term-time only)
Wicken Mission Hall every Tuesday 9.30-11.30am
Running for over 30 years, Fen Tiggers is a relaxed and friendly term-time baby and toddler group based in the Village Hall. All are welcome for a cuppa and chat whilst children explore age appropriate toys. There’s a dedicated baby area and weekly arts and crafts activities.
For more information visit:
Wicken Coronation Brass Band
A local brass band based in Wicken and who play at a variety of concerts in aid of charities and at the Wicken annual fete and Picnic at the Pond. It is a very friendly band which actively welcomes new members. The Youth Band is also very active and offers an excellent musical experience for younger players. The band practise in the Village Hall on Wednesday evenings.
For more information and contact details visit:
Wicken Swallowtails
Meetings on Wednesday afternoon in the Village Hall.
This very active group offers regular local opportunities for social contact, companionship and leisure activities to members, most of whom are of retiring age. Over 50 members meet twice a month in the Village Hall for meals, speakers meetings, games, film shows and general socialising. Several outings are also organised each year for members and their guests.
The Swallowtails meet in the Village Hall on alternate Wednesdays.
For more information contact Nigel Davies on 01353 721037.
Wicken Amateurs Football Club
Content to follow from Club.
Wicken Flower and Produce Show Committee
Wicken’s Flower and Produce Show (previously the Horticultural Show) has been running every year for well over 50 years. It is a traditional flower and vegetable show and all residents of the village, young and older, can enter their flowers, fruits, vegetables and flower arrangements. Children’s classes include collages, drawings jewellery making on a flower and veg theme.
The Flower and Produce Show Committee meet a few times a year to organise the show and always welcome ideas and help from others!
For more information contact the Treasurer, Rachel Earl on 01353 723619.

Wicken Windmill
Wicken Corn Windmill is a large Cambridgeshire smock mill built in 1813. It is currently the only smock, or wooden tower, windmill represented in the Traditional Corn Millers Guild. The mill drives two pairs of French burr stones, and various types of flour dresser.
The windmill business closed in 1933, although it was still worked occasionally by engine until 1942. It was restored from 1987 by the millwrights of the Wicken Windmill Partnership, and now works to satisfy demand for flour.